About "Full Natal Reading & Birth Chart"

Did you know your life path was mapped out & recorded by the stars at the very moment you were born!?

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Instructions To Buyers:

Most of us are aware of our Zodiac / Star sign right? Well, that is only one aspect of this full natal chart! 
Would you like to know what the stars had written for you at the time of your birth? Discover the planetary positions and their influence at the time of your birth!
This amazing full birth chart will both amaze and guide you, helping you understand why certain things are as they are or have been for you along this, your own unique journey, as it was planned and recorded within the stars.
I will need your name,(first & last) date of birth, (incl. time if known) and city of birth, and best email address.
Your chart will be sent via email in PDF file.
Natasha Butters

Offered By Natasha Butters

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Order This Service Now - Only $16.00!

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