Signup and activate your account to earn100-1000 p

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Please read this page carefully before joining the job. You are advised to understand the job description and delivery time. If you are unable to deliver the job within 7 Days, please contact the job owner and request increasing the delivery time.

Job Instructions:

to earn your points you must activate your account by clicking the link that the website send to your email account 

moahmed abdulqadir

Offered By Moahmed Abdulqadir

Free User
This user is a free member in our community. Please consider his/her Bad Votes in the account before joining the job.

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3 users reviewed "Signup and activate your account to earn100-1000 p"

Just join and complete this SmallJob to submit your review.

I completed this SmallJob for 100 Points. I can say it is Good. good

Master #87668 photo

Master #87668

6 years ago

I completed this SmallJob for 200 Points. I can say it is Very Good. great job !

Master #90264 photo

Master #90264

6 years ago

I completed this SmallJob for 1,000 Points. I can say it is Very Good. Excellent experience

Master #20732 photo

Master #20732

6 years ago