Making Youtube Video for Alexamaster

Hi freelancer in our platform. We need YouTube video tutorial for Alexamaster new interface. Please read our description here to get more info.

You get Unlimited Time to deliver this remote job!

Please read this page carefully before joining the job. You are advised to understand the job description and delivery time. If you are unable to deliver the job within Unlimited Time, please contact the job owner and request increasing the delivery time.

Job Instructions:

Request for this small job:

Step 1:

- We need you to record tutorial for website with new interface. You should record your screen with Alexamaster and explaining some function in our platform

- Please record also you are talking with the screen time to time

- You can make tutorial such as like how to submit website to Alexamaster system, how to earn money with Alexamaster or how to use the platform. The topic is depend on you  

Step 2:

- After edit video, you can upload to YouTube channel or send your video to us so we can publish your resource 

- Submit your work to small job and let us know. You can contact us via chat also if you need any other details.

Step 3: Receive your points and share the video (optional)

We hope you can comment down to our YouTube channel and share to get more interactive.

Freelancers can receive up to 50,000 points for this job

Thank you for support us and wish you all the best

Alice Borbeli

Offered By Alice Borbeli

Certified User
This user profile is 100% certified/approved by the Alexa Master team. There will be no trust issues between you and your Master.

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