Create a gmail account then send me to get 6000 P

1. gmail does not need to enter recovery email.2. gmail no need to enter phone number.3. contact me via sms then send me all account info and pass.

You get 7 Days to deliver this remote job!

Please read this page carefully before joining the job. You are advised to understand the job description and delivery time. If you are unable to deliver the job within 7 Days, please contact the job owner and request increasing the delivery time.

Job Instructions:

Hello to all freelancers after i would like to introduce myself
I'm Duong Thai Kinh, I'm happy to work with you
Job requirements:

1.  gmail does not need to enter recovery email
2.  gmail no need to enter phone number
3.  contact me via sms then send me all account info and password then you will get your reward

you can finish your work for as long as you like the number of accounts i need is unlimited you can do this every day and get your money i am looking forward to working with you you are long and lasting

you can use your computer and phone to create multiple gmail accounts without having to verify your phone number easily, every day you can create 10 gmails on one device and one ip address if like you clever

Please talk about yourself before we start a job and leave a review for each time the job is completed.

very happy and welcome to this job

Thank you so much for watching and reading this work, let's start collaborating right away by clicking the join button

Thanh Phong

Offered By Thanh Phong

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1 users reviewed "Create a gmail account then send me to get 6000 P"

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I completed this SmallJob for 5K Points. I can say it is Very Good. Công việc rất tốt. Xin cảm ơn người đã tạo ra công việc

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Master #188484

11 months ago